Secondary Fax (319) 984-5630
High School
- All parents need to complete the Annual Student Health Update form
on JMC for each child.
- All 9th graders need the Dental Screening Form completed
- Incoming 12TH GRADERS are required before school starts to receive
- Menningococcal vaccine booster. Please bring updated Immunization form after you receive this shot.
- Sports physicals are required for all athletes prior to participation.
- Medication Consent Form if your child will be taking any medications at school.
- Medication Consent Form your child takes any medication at school.
- Food Allergy Diet Modification - your child has food allergy? or can not have certain foods at school? Fill out this form
- Allergy action plan - Any child that has a severe allergy needs an action plan filled out yearly by their physician.
- Asthma action plan - Any child with asthma it is suggested an action plan completed.
- Seizure action plan - If your child has a seizure disorder an action plan updated yearly is needed.
- Self Carry Med Permission form - If your child carries his/her own inhaler or EPI PEN